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Installation Instructions



  1. Add limepkg-vloxq as a dependency to your solution.
  2. Build and deploy your solution.
  3. Create a group called (System) vloxq.
  4. Create an API user called addonvloxqapiuser and add it to the group. Generate an API key and provide Vloxq with it.
  5. Give the group rights to read the following limetypes: Deal, Company, Person, Document and Coworker.
  6. Give the group rights to write to the following limetypes: Deal and Document.

Web Client

  1. In Lime Admin, add the web component lwc-limepkg-vloxq-vloxq-button to the card view for the limetype deal (or similar).

Desktop Client

These steps should be performed if the Lime CRM desktop client is to be used.

  1. Run lip.Install "limepkg-vloxq" in the Immediate Window in the VBA editor of the desktop client.
  2. Add the folder for the LBS app addon_vloxq to the Actionpads folder.
  3. In the Actionpad folder, add the instantation of the LBS app in deal.html (or similar).
  4. Publish the Actionpads.
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